Monday, December 22, 2008

If You're Reading This ...

... you have too much time on your hands.

But who am I to criticize you? I am writing. Presumably that takes more time than writing. (I saw your lips moving as you read. Perhaps my estimation of time is all wrong.)

So tell me, reader? Who is the greatest trial lawyer of all time? Was it Clarence Darrow? Or is it Gerry Spence? Or does the question make no sense?

I am of the latter opinion. Walking in another man's shadow merely gives me a chill. Too many fringe suckers out there to suit me.

I've won cases I thought I'd lose, and lost cases I think I should have won. I go to court almost every day to argue about one thing or another. This page is simply a continuation of that vocation. I have no creed, no program, no agenda. I just want to raise some Hell and have a little fun.

Darrow once wrote that "`the people' are also a myth, the figment of an illusion, a spectral cohort that only eyes of faith can see." You won't find much faith here. Oh, there are simple statements I take to by true, call them an inchoate creed if you will. I am persuaded that whenever more than three people sit together in a room for more than a few minutes, the fourth person to walk in will be perceived an outsider. For reasons I cannot fathom, I am drawn to the outsider.

So today begins a new chapter. Read if you like, or don't read if that suits you. My ego craves foreign eyes delighting in what is here. But readers or not, I'll hammer away in the silence this screen invites.